
#IDeserveSafety Campaign

The #IDeserveSafety Campaign was launched on 2nd August 2023 by The STOP Campaign, together with End Rape On Campus Australia, Fair Agenda and the National Union of Students. The Campaign called on the Federal Government to create an independent national oversight mechanism to hold universities accountable for failing to protect students from sexual violence.

Campaign Wins!

As a result of the collective efforts of The STOP Campaign, Sharna Bremner from End Rape on Campus Australia, Dr Allison Henry and Fair Agenda, the Government announced the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education on 23 February 2024.

The Action Plan highlights key actions that the Government will implement to create higher education communities free from gender-based violence.

National Student Ombudsman

The National Student Ombudsman is a new independent, statutory function of the Commonwealth Ombudsman. It can receive and investigate student complaints on a range of issues including gender-based violence.

Find out more about the National Student Ombudsman.

National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence

The National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence will be a set of standards that higher education providers must meet to keep students and staff safe. It is intended to strengthen accountability and ensure that institutions adopt a whole-of-organisation approach to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in higher education.

#IDeserveSafety Submission

stop campaign members and members of parliament at the I deserve safety launch campaign

The STOP Campaign’s #IDeserveSafety Submission was made to the Australian Universities Accord Panel on 10th September 2023. The #IDeserveSafety Submission provides first-hand experiences of violence and harm in Australian universities, with a particular focus on residential halls and student accommodation, and outlines recommendations for change.

Read Our Submissions

The #IDeserveSafety Submission was made to the Australian Universities Accord Panel for their Consultation on the Accord Interim Report.

The following submission was made to the Universities Accord (National Student Ombudsman) Bill 2024 [Provisions]. You can view all other submissions to the bill here.

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